Below is a detailed map of the railways of Slovenia. You can zoom in by using the +/- buttons or by using the wheel on your mouse whilst hovering over the map.

The map has been extracted from the Railway Map of Europe with kind permission of the publishers.
You can purchase copies of the full map, as well as rail timetables, from The European Railway Timetable website


The Slovenian rail network is based on 2 main routes crossing each other with the hub at Ljubljana – the capital city. Most of the network is electrified and only moderate speeds are possible due to the topography of the country. One main line runs from Jessenice at the Austrian border to Dobova at the Croatian border and the other from Koper & Trieste on the coast to Maribor in the north-east. These 2 main lines are now being steadily modernised and improved with the help of European Union Regional Development funds.

The scenic route from Jesenice to Gorica via the Julian Alps is recommended for a day trip in the summer months.
Except for the main line from Ljubljiana to Maribor, services are not very frequent nor do they usually run at regular clock face intervals. Tickets can be bought on line or at station ticket offices. There is a fine if you buy tickets from the train conductor and a small supplement for Inter City trains and some regional trains marked MV. There is also a flat rate ticket called IZLETka which allows 5 days unlimited travel on the whole network on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays.

BICYCLES: They can only be taken on train where the bicycle sign is shown for a small fee.

MOBILITY ASSISTANCE: This can be booked at least 48 hours in advance
at staffed stations or by phone at least 48 hours in advance.

INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS: Regional services to Italy, Croatia and Hungary. Eurocity services run to Zagreb, Budapest, Trieste, Graz & Vienna. Euronight services run to Austria and beyond.

NP November 2021