Below is a detailed map of the railways of Bosnia-Herzegovina. You can zoom in by using the +/- buttons or by using the wheel on your mouse whilst hovering over the map.

The map has been extracted from the Railway Map of Europe with kind permission of the publishers.
You can purchase copies of the full map, as well as rail timetables, from The European Railway Timetable website


There is a very limited rail network in BH with the main line being that from Sarajevo towards Zagreb via Doboj ,Banja Luka & Dobbrijn or via Mostar to Caplljina & Ploce on the coast in Croatia. From Ploce regular buses along the Dalmatian coast provide onward connections to Dubrovnik & Split.. Both of these lines are electrified.

From Doboj the route via Banja Luka passes through the Serbian sector of Bosnia. There are no through trains, and connections are required at B Luka and at the border with Croatia. The alternative route from Doboj via Tuzla into Serbia is currently not serviced throughout.

The Balkan Flexipass can be purchased for both 2nd and 1st class for travel in Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania (only valid on CFR Calatori services), Serbia, Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

DS December 2021